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Each of these episodes with a local expert is about 25 minutes long, but in this video we’ve grouped together our first season, before we switched our name to Ascend Health Center. 1. Inflammation and Mood–Functional Medicine with Dr. Tara Scott. 2. Strategies for Resiliency with psychotherapist Rachel Whitehawk from Whitehawk Ranch. 3. Biofeedback and Forming a Therapeutic Alliance with psychotherapist Brittany Cirullo from Alternative Therapeutics. 4. Migraines with chiropractor Dr. Griesse from Healthsource Fairlawn. 5. Overcoming Adversity with Shawna Kathleen. 6. Men and Addiction with Matt Gutbrod. 7. Purposeful Eats with chef Jeanne Givelekian.

After over 20 years in healthcare, I’ve realized that patient education is one of the glaring weaknesses in our system. Empowering patients is a daily goal at Ascend Health Center, and I hope that these video on a wide range of topics will be helpful on the path to wellness. Most of the contact information on these videos is inaccurate, but you can always text 754-4844 or contact through the website to start a conversation with us.